This is just a recipe. You can use any scents or oils you like, but make sure your skin isn't sensitive to them.
In the warm running bath water add
one cup (or as much as you would like) of powdered (dried) milk, try to find full fat
a few drops of almond oil
a few drops of any soothing essential oils you like (try lavender, rose, clary sage or bergamot)
A few notes: Don't use liquid milk instead of powdered. The warm water will make it curdle. So not sexy.
Try to add the milk to the tub right away so it has time to dissolve. Nothing is LESS relaxing than trying to wash powdered milk down the drain after a bath.
You don't HAVE to use the oils. You can just add powdered milk to the bath and be done with it.
That's it. Smear on your tomato mask, sit back, , light a candle and enjoy. And, if you have kids, don't forget to lock the bathroom door. They can't burn the house down in 10 minutes, right?
Thrift Store Barbie
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