Friday, September 24, 2010

My Super Secret, Super Cheap Botox Alternative!

I am letting all of you beautiful friends in on my super cheap alternative to botox. But, shhhhhh don't tell anyone. ;) Don't you just love when people say that on the internet? And. you know, reality shows. lol

Anyway, I am not necessarily against botox, but I am against paying hundreds of dollars for a temporary fix that paralyzes your face.

I woke up one glorious morning and realized that, much to my horror, I had developed the dreaded 11 lines between my brows! What could I do about this that didn't involve a needle and toxins? Then, one day, I read in a magazine that Peggy Lipton's secret to looking so young was a product called Frownies that she applied while she slept. Frownies are basically adhesive paper that you put between your eyebrows to keep you from frowning in your sleep. They have been used for almost 100 years and, gasp, they really work.

Frownies, however are about $18 a box. $18?? For sticky paper???? No way!

Soooooo, here's a secret. I use Nexcare Surgical Tape. The plasticky one, not the paper one. I rip a piece big enough to fit between my eyebrows. The I rip it in half lengthwise. I apply one strip diagonally between my eyebrows then layer the second piece over it. Then, I rip off another piece and repeat that so it forms an "X". Then, I rip another piece, but don't rip it in halp lengthwise and put it over the "x". Then I got to sleep. When I wake up, my furrow lines are almost gone! After 3 days, the WERE gone! I sleep that way every night. I frown in my sleep a LOT.

As a side note, if you stop doing this at night, your lines will come back. It's because even though the tape won't let you frown, you will still try to frown. So, if the tape isn't there... you get the picture. Honestly, though, it's worth it to just wear it.

Until next time, Beautiful Friends!!

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